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RIPA (& RIPSA) Monitoring Officer Training

Face-To-Face or Live Virtual Training

Introduction To Our RIPA (& RIPSA) Monitoring Officer Training

The RIPA Monitoring Officer (or RIPA Co-ordinator) performs a crucial role, being the conduit between the applicant and the authorising officer, providing an objective view as to the quality of the application and verifying the intelligence case.
They need to provide comments which add value to the application but don’t lead the Authorising Officer. Plus once the authorisation is given they need to ‘police’ the system and ensure that the required updates are completed.

Our accredited RIPA Monitoring Officer training is aimed at those people, such as staff wroking in Legal Services or managers, that are responsible for quality assuring applications for the various forms of activity under the legislation.

The aim of our training is to provide designated staff with the knowledge and understanding of Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 to enable them to quality assure RIPA applications to a standardised format thereby ensuring legal compliance.

We Offer 2 Different Levels Of RIPA Monitoring Officer Training:

A Core-Skills course and
An Advanced Skills course.
The training can reflect the activity that you need it to, with a choice of

  • Directed Surveillance and/or
  • Covert Human Intelligence Sources (C.H.I.S.).

Through completing the Advanced Skills course, you can work towards a formal qualification as a Monitoring Officer so you can demonstrate that you are qualified for this crucial role, if you are challenged.

Courses Tailored To Your Needs

We are also offer RIPSA training to organisations in Scotland or RIPL training to organisations in the Channel Islands.
We also offer a RIPA (& RIPSA) advice service, or we can draft your RIPA applications or authorities or quality assure yours for you prior to signing.

Client Feedback


I really found this training to be valuable. I now know exactly what my role is, where I fit in the process and what my responsibilities are.

RIPA Monitoring Officer - Local Authority
Contact us now, without any obligation, for more details of our courses and a highly competitive quote.